Monday 25 May 2020


From the ruins where once stood the notorious "Demon Hotel," legendary site of rumoured paranormal activities, now rises a new structure. Will the curse of the supposed gateway to Hell be lifted, or will the new building be haunted by the same dark spirits that, according to urban legend, once found residence in this sinister location?

Those unfamiliar with the unbelievable story of Demon Hotel, see this link for a summery. From its days as a Downtown apartment building with a creepy reputation, to the empty abandoned structure attracting stories of weird and terrifying events, to the start of demolition that was broken by a mysterious fire, to the long stretch where only a grim weed infested lot marked its location, the ominous tale of Demon Hotel is a story told by residents of Winnipeg interested in the strange world of the paranormal.

A place of mystery and dread for years, it is alleged that the abandoned apartment building on Hargrave attracted sinister forces from beyond.

The long delayed demolition of Demon Hotel was finally accomplished by a mysterious fire, the cause of which was never publicly revealed.

Eventually, only an ominous plot of weeds and ruins marked the location of the supposedly haunted site.

Then, in the cold, dark days of last winter, like long dormant seeds of evil finally sprouting through the ice, new activity was seen at the allegedly haunted grounds of Hargrave Street.

Here is a visual summery of the rebirth from the ruins of Demon Hotel

COMING SOON: the first look at the completed structure of the new building resting on the ruins of the the legendary sinister DEMON HOTEL. Will echoes of past horrors linger in the supposedly cursed location?

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